To prepare our buildings for Camp 2024, we need some extra help in cleaning staff housing, the Ministry Centers and Hotel. Please plan on joining us for one or more of the Clean Sweep days. Our task list includes deep cleaning, (vacuuming walls and floors, moving furniture, washing windows, cleaning bathrooms) refreshing paint, and making sure the surrounding grounds are raked and safe for walking.


Each day, the AM work sessions will be from 9-noon, and the PM sessions, from 1-4. On Thursday evening we’ll gather for Dessert and Discussion at 7pm in the Unity House. Friday evening we’ll order Pizza and share a meal at 6pm in Unity.  After the morning session on Saturday, July 15, we will eat a provided lunch, share a devotion and be dismissed at 2pm.


Please email the facilities manager at if you can attend this event. If you plan to camp or need a room to stay in, please call Tim at 517-230-7309 by July 1, 2024.

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Eaton Rapids Campmeeting